A83: Detection Routine Help
A83: Detection Routine Help
I need someone to look over this loop routine that I made for myself which
uses the DETECT library from ZLIB, and it will store the Address outputted
from that Library to a place in RAM, increase that RAM pointer to store the
progs found sequentially, then increase the Var that tells how many progs
were found once it leaves the routine. Although, I seems to not be working
because this was the newest thing I included in my prog and it crashed. I
could use some help here please, I've included the I/O for that SOS library
below for you to reference to. Can someone help me find out whats wrong,
thanks... =)
xor a
ld (Num_Progs), a
ld de, PROGPTR
ld ix, Address_Buffer
push ix
ex de, hl
ld ix, Detect_String
pop ix
ret z
ld a, (Num_Progs)
inc a
ld (Num_Progs), a
ld (ix), l
ld (ix+1), h
inc ix
inc ix
jp Detect_Loop
Address_Buffer = SAVESSCREEN
Num_Progs: .db 0
DETECT = vector0 ;SOS Library
Detect_String: .db "Detect Me!",0
;DETECT (lib 4)
;Detect a program (var type 6) on the symbol table.
;Input: hl=place to begin looking ( (vat) if first time etc)
; ix->String to check for in a program (0 terminated)
;Output:de=place stopped
; hl->program data (after the string)
; z=0 if found, z=1 if not found
; b=0
;Registers destroyed: af bc de hl