Re: A83: nothing important
Re: A83: nothing important
What, there are ISPs other than AOL? I would have never imagined! So are these
other, so-called, "ISPs" busy constantly, with every moron imaginable using
it, slow down the system, just like gAOL (gay-oe-ell)? I think I'll get
another one, and then be the king of happy land on the magical gum drop lane.
If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic (Homer, 7431)(damn you
paranthetical documentation, damn you to HELL!!!!!!). =). Now time to dance
the AOL busy signal jig. Can't raise will power to commit hari kari, where's
Rikimaru when you need him (Tenchu, PSX, $45.95)?
that was a bit of randomness wasn't it? Oh well time to watch Tom Green =).
hehe observation humor.