Re: A83: Re: 3D graphing prog
Re: A83: Re: 3D graphing prog
I would like to see your algoritm
and any other documentation
zip it please
>From: "James Matthews" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: A83: Re: 3D graphing prog
>Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 19:06:30 +0900
>i've made a 3D graphing prog in BASIC, is was pretty good too, and
>not too slow. I also started on the ASM version, but got bored
>=)...I can give the algorithm to anyone interested.
>James Matthews (
>ICQ: 7413754
>> From: . homonerdicus <>
>> To:
>> Subject: A83: 3D graphing prog
>> Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 12:17 PM
>> Hi
>> I asked myself the same question a couple of days ago
>> I'm presently looking at the BASIC source
>> BASIC ahhhhhhhh, am I going to die now?
>> It is pretty well written and efficient, for BASIC that is...
>> I'm planning to translate it exactly the way he made it and then
>post it
>> here so some of the master programers can give me optimisation
>> Once I understand how it works exactly I'll try to do a 3D engine
>> in the future there will be 3D games. Real ones not ray-casting
>> Probably not on a 83
>> Well I have to say that I'm not that good at ASM yet so it will
>take me
>> a while. 1 -2 months .....
>> If somebody else wants to direct this "project" I would like to
>> see ya
>> homonerdicus
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