Re: A83: Crappy ASM on Certain 83...
Re: A83: Crappy ASM on Certain 83...
Some versions of ROM 10 are being built with a Z180 processor instead
of a Z80. The Z180's clock cylces are faster and we had to adjust some of the
critical timimg loops in our software.
The reason for the ghosting in the display while running some ASM games is
that they were written for a slower system. On the faster system the screen
updates come too quickly not allowing pixels that were turned off to visibly
disappear before the next pixels turned on appear in the display.
Original text
From:, on 3/10/99 8:32 PM:
Well, it's newer...That could be a factor. A law* that most software (yes,
the ROM is software in a way) undergoes is "if it's newer, it's probably
* = Does not apply to Micro$oft software, or software coming from any other
large corporation.
> I have also noticed that the TI-83 rom version 1.08 is faster than the
> ones before it, why is this? Am i just seeing things?