Re: A83: 83P format verification


Re: A83: 83P format verification

This on a couple of different sites
                               83P file format 

by Florent Dhordain <>


 00- 07 "**TI83**"
 08- 0B	0x1A, 0x0A, 0x00 (for the85-86 : 0C instead of 0A)
 0C- 34	Comment
 35- 36	file length - $39  =  Size of all data in the .8?? file, from
byte $37
        to last byte before the checksum

; Var header part :
 37- 38	variableheader length  = 0B 00
 39- 41 Variable Header
  |--- 39-3A Length of data (word)
  |--- 3B    program type : 5 (6 for protected)
  |--- 3C-43 program name (0-filled) 

; Data part :
 44-45	Length of data
 46-47  Length of program
 48-xxx Program data
xxx 	checksum (word)

Notes :
 * All the length are one word, with Least Significant Byte first

 * Length of program = the length of all the program data (incredible !)

 * Length of data = length of program + 2 (cause it is length of the
   which contains program length(2 bytes) + program data)

 * Word at 35-36 = length of program + $11 (17)

 * The checksum is one word, the sum of all the bytes from byte 37 to
   the last byte before the checksum, modulo 2^16-1 to fit in one word wrote:
> OK, I think I got an idea of how the 83P file is stored, but I need somebody
> else to look on it.
> Right now I'm going to assume than every character in the ANSI/ASCII set is
> represented by one byte.  (I think...somebody want to proof this?)
> Bytes 1-8: Always "**TI83**".
> Bytes 9-10: In DIAMONDS.83P (my example) they are ASCII values 26 and 10,
> respectively.  I'm not too sure what they represent; I think they can be
> ignored.
> Bytes 11-50: Comment field.  I think.
> Bytes 51-60: ???  In my editor, they were ASCII values 46 (".") , 95 ("_"), 85
> ("U"), 169, 8, 11, 0, 154, 8, and 6. I have no idea if this represents
> anything significant.
> Bytes 61-68: Name of the program.
> Bytes 69-end: Program data.
> Actually, all I'm trying to get to is the program data, but I need to make
> sure of this so I don't access the wrong stuff.
> Thanks in advance,
> --David

Scott "_Wrath_" Dial
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