Re: A83: Unsquish joke


Re: A83: Unsquish joke

On 04-Mar-99, Scott Dial ( wrote:

> I need somewhere to
>put the data as it is being converted... WHERE CAN IT GO?!?!?

Write it to the display using lcd ports 10h and 11h, then when you're done
and the display contains a lot of garbage, you just read it again using these
ports. This is the ideal storage area.

Not. But couldn't you just allocate size*2 bytes at the end of the program,
unsquish it to there and then remove the original data?


.-->                                           .-------mm--(__)--mm--------.
| Linus Akesson                                | |
`---------------^-- ----- --- --  -- -  -   -  `---------ooO--Ooo----------'
     If your feet smell and your nose runs - you're built upside down.

Follow-Ups: References: