Re: A83: Question About Storing Words (.dw)


Re: A83: Question About Storing Words (.dw)

How would a Word be equated, and the value worked with like that...? For 

#define  Word_1  $1234
#define  Word_2  $5678

Then used in a table...

Data:   .dw Word_1, Word_2

Would it still be the same values as I asked in the first post of this 

(Data+0) =  $34    ;I know these arent valid ASM commands,
(Data+1) =  $12    ;but I'm just asking if these are what the 
(Data+2) =  $78    ;data would be equal to in that table...
(Data+3) =  $56

Is that all correct, when uses the Word with a "#define" command...?


In a message dated 99-06-07 17:45:59 EDT, you write:

> You don't, #define just makes a value equal to another... so:
>  #define ABYTE data
>  #define AWORD data+1 ;\__ Notice the interval...
>  #define BBYTE data+3 ;/
>  the homonerdicus wrote:
>  > 
>  > And how do you define a word using the
>  > #DEFINE xxx xxx
>  > statement ?