A83: Simple Routine Help
A83: Simple Routine Help
Hey All, this simple routine has been frustrating me for like a week because
it looks like it should work, could somebody look through it and help me
figure out why it wont...? The routine first goes into a loop checking all
the keyports of Port 1, and seeing if they are not 255, noting that a key has
been pressed. I'm pretty sure that works fine (although the SCF may not be
necessary), but the problem is in the next part. After it jumps out of that
first loop, B contains the current Keyport of the key that was pressed, and A
contains the Key Value of the key. I then load the Key Value into C, continue
to check A at the Keyport in B, and see how it compares to C. My purpose in
this part is that it should keep cycling in the second loop until that key is
Released. This is intended so that there wont be repeated functions occuring
later on if the key is held down. However, the routine will just not stop and
wait for it to be releasedt, and continues to exit after any key has been
pressed. Can someone help me figure out why? Here's the routine...
; Input: Nothing. Pauses until Any Key pressed. ;
; Output: C = Key Value, A and B = Port Value. ;
; Registers Destroyed: Only AF and BC Affected. ;
ld a, 254
D_I_Loop: ld b, a \ ld c, a
call Direct_Input
cp 255 \ jr nz, D_I_Key
ld a, c \ SCF \ RLCA
cp 127 \ jr z, D_I_Waitkey
jr D_I_Loop
push af \ ld c, a \ push bc
call Direct_Input
cp c \ jr z, D_I_Key_Loop
pop bc \ pop af \ ld a, b
Direct_Input: ;Input: Keyport Value in B, Output: Key Value in A.
ld a, 0FFh
out (1), a
ld a, b
out (1), a
in a, (1)
Thanks Alot,
Jason_K =)