A83: A problem with matrices
A83: A problem with matrices
Hello everyone. I am attempting to program a 3-D shooter using matrices
to generate the maps. The data used to create the matrix used for a
certain level is stored in an external file and is called by the main
program as follows:
call _clrscrnFull
ld a,4
ld (currow),a
ld a,3
ld (curcol),a
ld hl,get_psyched
call _puts
call _zerooop1
ld hl,lev_1
ld de,op1
ld bc,8
call _chkfindsym
jr c,error_dat
call _exec_assembly
In the the file "ISMDAT1" which holds the data for the first level, I am
attempting to create a 5x5 matrix and store numbers to them using the
following code:
call _zerooop1
ld hl,op1
ld (hl),matobj ;Value of token = 02h
inc hl
ld (hl),tvarmat
inc hl
ld (hl),tmata
call _chkfindsym
ld hl,$0505
call _creatermat ;Calls ROM addr. 446Ah
push de
ld hl,0 ;Value to store to matrix element
call _setxxxxop2
call _op1exop2
pop de ;Address of Matrix A
ld bc,$0101 ; Address of element (1,1)
call _puttomat ;Stores 0 to (1,1)
inc bc ;Move on to next element
call _puttomat
inc bc
inc bc
call _puttomat
inc bc
call _puttomat
ld bc,$0201
call _puttomat
inc bc
call _puttomat
inc bc
inc bc
call _puttomat
inc bc
call _puttomat
ld bc,$0301
call _puttomat
inc bc
inc bc
inc bc
inc bc
call _puttomat
ld bc,$0401
call _puttomat
inc bc
call _puttomat
inc bc
inc bc
call _puttomat
inc bc
call _puttomat
ld bc,$0501
call _puttomat
inc bc
call _puttomat
inc bc
inc bc
call _puttomat
inc bc
call _puttomat
push de
ld hl,1
call _setxxxxop2
call _op1exop2
pop de
ld bc,$0503
call _puttomat
push de
ld hl,2
call _setxxxxop2
call _op1exop2
pop de
ld bc,$0302
call _puttomat
inc bc
call _puttomat
inc bc
call _puttomat
ld bc,$0103
call _puttomat
ld bc,$0203
call _puttomat
ld bc,$0403
call _puttomat
If anyone could help me with this problem of mine, I would be most
Pizza of Hut