Re: A83: ASM programmer needed


Re: A83: ASM programmer needed

On Fri, 23 Jul 1999 00:51:10 +0200, Linus Akesson wrote:

>In accordance with the prophecy, Jesse McInturff uttered:
> > now i see no reason to learn the lang just for that,
> > now if someone can make a java compiler or something like that, thats 
> > platform
> > i could realy use it
>Lol, yes I suppose you could. But since nobody has written a Java virtual
>machine interpreter on the ti-83, and no-one will (challenge? =)) you'll 
>have to learn asm yourself!
>Actually, coding (at least on the ti-83) is something you do because it's
>FUN, not because you can write a game & become famous. (Nothing wrong in
>writing games... just that the _primary_ purpose, according to me, of 
>them is that they're fun to write, not that they are fun to play. That is
>just a bonus.)

  Yes, I agree. I program because I enjoy it.

James Vernon

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