Re: A83: Re: Bill Nagel


Re: A83: Re: Bill Nagel

lol they actually thing they are the reason people are scared to come back. I 
am fairly new to the list so I don't know Bill Nagel but from what I can tell 
he is well liked and I don't believe some little piss ass kids and they GAY 
so called "company" are going to change their opinion.


P.S. Excuse the spelling I am typing fast and I am tired.

<< Don't you see?  Bill Nagel will avoid the Ti Community at all costs.  The 
 Hays Games Company ruined him so badly he'll never come back.  Just like 
 Kirk Meyer.  You want to know why he really retired?  He didn't want to 
 become the next victom to Hays.  We also ruined Daniel Sims, Sam Heald, and 
 we are moving on to Joe Wingbermuhel. >>