Re: A83: using hl as a label
Re: A83: using hl as a label
At 02:58 PM 7/12/99 PDT, you wrote:
>At a different place in the prog I have the adress of the unit in hl
>and I want to add to it the offset for hitpoints....
>I tried :
>ld a,(hl)+hp
>ld a,(hl+hp)
>ld a,((hl)+hp)
>and none of them work ... The assembler takes hl for a label and says "label
>not found"
>I know I can do it this way
>ld d,0
>ld a,(hp)
>ld e,a
>add hl,de
>but it's very long and will be using this a lot of times in the game ...
>Does anybody know a way to do this ?
>Ideas comments ....
Yup! TAZM (which is currently being developed) is capable of doing this
through something called IDEAL mode. Until TAZM's official release, you'll
just have to use TASM v3.1 macros. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"