Re: A83: a question


Re: A83: a question

In accordance with the prophecy, the homonerdicus uttered:

> Actually there is one more o in the _zerooop1 ....
> anybody know why?  zero-o-op1 ?
> but thank you very much....Jason_K

> it works fine now ...

>     push bc
>     push bc
>     ld hl,0257h
>     ld (PENCOL),hl
>     call _zerooop1
>     ld a,b
>     call _SETXXOP1
>     ld a,1
>     call _DISPOP1A

>     pop bc
>     ld hl,025Bh
>     ld (PENCOL),hl
>     call _zerooop1
>     ld a,c
>     call _SETXXOP1
>     ld a,1
>     call _DISPOP1A

>     pop bc

> any optimisation ideas....

> thanks again

> homonerdicus

>> From:
>> Reply-To:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A83: a question
>> Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 16:25:18 EDT
>> In a message dated 7/10/99 3:16:41 PM Central Daylight Time,
>> writes:
>>> Hi everybody ...
>>>  I have a question and it is really freacing me out
>>>  There is a place in my prog that generates an ERR : Overflow...
>>>  it looks like this :
>>>  I have xy coordinates in bc
>>>  push bc
>>>  couple of things that screw with registers
>>>  pop bc
>>>  ;now i want to display the value of my x and y coordinates at 5,5 and 
>> 5,9
>>>      push bc
>>>      ld hl,0505h
>>>      ld (PENCOL),hl
>>>      ld a,b
>>>      call _SETXXOP1
>>>      call _DISPOP1A
>>>      pop bc
>>>      ld hl,0905h
>>>      ld (PENCOL),hl
>>>      ld a,c
>>>      call _SETXXOP1
>>>      call _DISPOP1A
>>>  and it does the overflow error ... now is there something I'm not 
>> seeing
>>>  here or is it a logic problem
>>>  thanks for any suggestions
>>>  homonerdicus
>>>  "summer is here, bring on the beer"
>> Do a "call _zeroop1" before each of your "call _setxxop1" commands, because
>> that command wont set all of OP1 to what A is, just the first byte, so 
>> there
>> could be crap in the rest of OP1 which is why _DispOP1a cant handle it. 
>> Btw,
>> you have to put the value into A of how many characters you want to 
>> display,
>> that also may be causing th overflow error. cya...
>> Jason_K

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