A83: My in-car thing
A83: My in-car thing
I'm actually gonna custom build a case for an old desktop and mount it
above my petrol tank in my car. The 83 is only cos I don't want to have a
full 14" monitor and keyboard sitting on my desktop, and I need some way of
controlling it. I'm a student, therefore I have no money for expensive LCDs
and keypads and stuff, but I have an 83 for my A-level maths course that I
did. Its not gonna actually play the files or anything, just act as a
control interface, and so comms with the PC is kind of essential!!!
I'll try getting hold of this telnet 83 and see if that works, or if anyone
knows of any 83 comms software that works on fast systems (not TI's), drop
us a line please
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 06:38:06 -0700
From: "Man in the Moon" <ch@calc.org>
Subject: A83: Re: 83 -> PC Comms (X-posted TI-H and ASM83)
If you're using this as a car application you're not going to drag around a
desktop, maybe a laptop but then just get mp3 playing software, and the 83
cannot hold an mp3 file. How do you expect to store the information from an
mp3 on the 83 in your car? I know its possible to communicate with a the
ports like you want since I did get this working with Justin K's Telnet 83
program, and since I didn't have an external modem I routed my 386's modem
to COM2. Then my GraphLink was able to communicate with the calc. Anyway I
went to sleep at 2am and I just got up (6am) so I'm drowsing off. Hope this
From: Chris (Man in the Moon)
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