A83: Basic and Asm...


A83: Basic and Asm...

Basic add ons
Hee. As scary as it sounds the first
set of programs i wrote in ASM were on these 
lines. (sort of ironic?)

(i never released them, but they are probally 
 kicking around somewhere)

Anyway, i thought you might like to know
what i did (i dossnet seem to have been mentioned)

I used a string (say str1) to contain a load 
of HEX code (which migh be provided by an asm
programmer). This was assigned in the BASIC
program (copy and paste) and a single ASM
pogram would be called to 'execute string 1'

The idea was to allow a basic programmer to
easaly insert little bits of ASM into basic
code. A sort of in-line assembler idea... 

It does not shield the Basic programer from 
the asm HEX...and only the HEX required will
be included. 

Can be slow (compared to pure ASM;) when having 
to re-convert the Hex..
Cluttered Basic programs?
Well, there you go, 

Oh, PS.
can you use these to surf the web? 

tWebOn          equ       GFMT+14     ; 'WebOn'
tWebOff         equ       GFMT+15     ; 'WebOFF'

Bill J Ellis
Bill James Ellis
Heriot-Watt University

