Re: A83: Basic Extention Program


Re: A83: Basic Extention Program

> And I thought that the only list used should be ASM, because how
would our
> progarm know what lists it is, without using up more memory to store
it into a
> variable.

  Name the program "ASM" or "BASICASM", I like the second name best.
  Store the coors in X and Y because we can easily recall them with
  Have the user store the list name in Ans so they can use the same
sprite later without having to waste time reloading it there
  Store which function in another var ... possibly Z or theta

  Should be easy enough but I don't know enough about how the lists
are stored to some of the code.  Are the elements stored one after the
other?? If so it would be easy if they were one byte apiece in memory,
so we could just use sprxor or drwspr.
  I also don't think we should put a function table because we want it
as small as possible.

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