A83: Basic Extention Program


A83: Basic Extention Program

I have an idea on how to do it:
You know in Zasmload you would do this:
Well, in a basic program, what they could do is store numbers into certain
variables or lists, then do this:
This would be fairly easy to program, and easy to access.
The only problem would be that the programmer of the basic game would have to
include BASICEX along with their program (not really a problem, though).
Now ideas about what it could do:
(These are in no particular order, and some would be a big challenge)
1) Getkey that pauses
2) A pause that waits for a key other than Enter
3) Sprites (maybe?  You could store the 1s or 0s into a matrix)
4) An error command
5) A better menu command that can have more than 7 entries and more than 1
6) Lowercase letters at coordanates X,Y (a MUST)
7) Turn off the calculator
8) Custom named strings (is this possible?  I have no idea)
9) Custom named variables with more than 1 digit (again, is this possible?)
10) And finally probably the greatest challenge:  The ability to change the
contents of a program from within the program.

This is all that I can think of at the moment.  And I'd be willing to help
program some of this.
I hope these ideas are basically what you wanted.
-David Clamage