Re: A83: Yaaaaa! I'm back!


Re: A83: Yaaaaa! I'm back!

On 16-Jan-99, wrote:

>In a message dated 01/16/99 3:15:50 PM, writes:

>>On 16-Jan-99, Olle Hedman wrote:
>>>heh..  The death of this list maybe? 
>>Aww... not 50 mails per day anymore? =)

>I think that the list is dead just beacause it was around the hoilday time,
>and now it is midterms for some people, but discussion should be starting
>up again, and we'll have a lot of action once Summer hits... 

Sounds nice. Well, we can only hope...

> Well, its good
>to have you back Linus. I hope you'll be as much of assistence to many of us,
>as you were before you left.  Talk to ya later... =)
>--Jason K.



.--> ____
|    \OO/     -  -- --- ------ Linus Akesson -- -.
Dolphins are so intelligent that within a few weeks they can train Americans
to stand at the edge of the pool and throw them fish.
--------> MrCookie v1.1 by Linus Akesson (text/misc/MrCookie.lha) <---------
