Re: A83: problems with the 83+ ?
Re: A83: problems with the 83+ ?
Would'nt having to use an rst flag in place of every call take up two more
bytes than a traditional call (as in PGMIOEXEC)? also, how can you limit asm
progsize? if the program uses sos, couldn't it be any size because it is run
from it's location in ram?
> All 83 asm programs will need to be modified to some extent to
> run on the 83 plus. All of the ROM calls in the 83's jump table
> are available on the 83+, there are also a bunch of new ones.
> Things that have changed:
> - the jump table (entry points) has been modified to use
> less ROM space. This means that all calls and jumps to
> system rouitnes will need to be changed to not using the
> Z80 'call' and 'JP' instructions, but to instead use a macro
> that TI will provide that sets up an 'RST' instruction for
> each call or jump to a system routine.
> - Some RAM structures have been modified and this may cause some
> problems but I don't think anything major. For sure the ram equates
> have changed for most things.
> - The 'SEND(9 ...' deal is now gone. The TI-86 commands for asm
> execution
> has been ported to the 83+.
> - There is an 8k limit on the size of an asm program that is executing.
> Later,
> Pat