Re: A83: problems with the 83+ ?


Re: A83: problems with the 83+ ?

I sure hope you plan to extend basic a little.  I was thinking along the
lines of String   <->real variable conversion functions and more variable
options like temporary variable and possibky more variables you can name
(I doubt it though)

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999 08:47:57 -0800 Pat Milheron <>
>All 83 asm programs will need to be modified to some extent to
>run on the 83 plus. All of the ROM calls in the 83's jump table
>are available on the 83+, there are also a bunch of new ones. 
>Things that have changed:
>	- the jump table (entry points) has been modified to use 
>	  less ROM space. This means that all calls and jumps to
>	  system rouitnes will need to be changed to not using the
>	  Z80 'call' and 'JP' instructions, but to instead use a 
>	  that TI will provide that sets up an 'RST' instruction  for 
>	  each call or jump to a system routine.
>        - Some RAM structures have been modified and this may cause 
>	  problems but I don't think anything major. For sure the ram 
>          have changed for most things.
>	- The 'SEND(9 ...' deal is now gone. The TI-86 commands for 
>	  has been ported to the 83+. 
>	- There is an 8k limit on the size of an asm program that is 
>Original text
>From:, on 1/13/99 4:36 PM:
>I read on Ticalc that there is a new 83+ coming out.  I went to the TI 
>page and saw some of the changes made to the 83.  I think asm programs 
>for the
>83 won't be compatible.  I read that all the keys will be in the same 
>but two.  Won't this change the values asm programs check for when 
>input?  I think for sure it will change the direct input.  I don't 
>know what
>keys these are and if any games use them.  Another thing is that they 
>have new
>functions like a built in CBL and ways of dealing with this new memory 
>archive).  This is based on the old ti-os but new features for these 
>were added.  This probably moved around these rom calls we all use.  
>only a couple bytes were added here and there in the rom but it will 
>everything.  I know there is a 92 plus but adding a module seems a 
>different than this.  I hope this won't happen but I guess we'll have 
>to wait
>and see.

       See ya,

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