Re: A83: Re: PowerOS
Re: A83: Re: PowerOS
Well I stated below that I was going to make this to show the
<b>full</b> capabilities of the TI-83 claculator. The shell could take
up all the mem, but the point with this is to show how usefull a shell
can get and exactly what it can do. I am talking about possibly going
just under the maximum that a shell could go for options and gadgets.
There may be smaller versions later, but with the upcoming release of
the TI-83+ the memory prob will be no longer. And besides I saw a prog
that allowed you to check options for the program it was to create that
would change the actual source code of the EXE it made. That way on the
comp you could select what you wanted, it would output the file to the
standard 83 format and let you send it. One thing I would include (this
is one of my most hated things on the calc) an option to delete all
variables at startup, or shutdown. Variables take up too much space (15
apeice) and should not be needed in programs, unless it is created by
the prog exclusively for that prog (meaning it is deleted when the prog
-Phelan Wolf
PS: Why are the lists set when you reset the mem??
>Well...its an 'interesting' idea I suppose...couple of problems I see
>however. First, the tios has its own error handling system, and if you
>for assembly programs, there wouldn't be a reasonable way to determine
>exactly went wrong (well you could) but why. If you know something I
>feel free to mention.
>Well, a battery bit is rather pointless for two reasons. First, the
>contrast is a rather good indication of batter life, and second when
>batteries are low, the tios flashes, battery low when you start up the
>Having a bit to tell you when memory is low would just waste mem,
making the
>mem lower =) I think the current check ram function works fine...
>Folders are an acceptable idea I suppose, problem is, there is minimal
>reason. With only 27k (and the way your os is sounding, much less
>there are only so many programs you can fit on the calc. It almost
>make sense to have folders if you're only going to have a couple
programs in
>As for the libraries, the first bit, about only having to have the
>you need, wouldn't make sense otherwise, and this is how sos handles
it. As
>for it telling you what libraries a game needs, I think that is a bit
of a
>waste of space when you only have 27k to work with. I mean, there
readme is
>there for a reason. I don't, however, oppose to a seperate program
>would go through the programs and tell what libs are required for each.
>(hehe, that way I can delete that prog) ... if you ask me, there is
>little that is needed to be added to sos...(although having just a
>0 after the lib name might be nice, but that would kill compatibility)
>>Hi, I haven't been on for a while but i have been thinking. I want to
>>make a shell, PowerOS, to not only teach me more ASM, but to
>>the complete capabilities of the 83. I plan on having the following:
>>-Error trapping:
>> -this would call a pop-up when an error occured telling what went
>>wrong and why.
>>-Resource Manager
>> -this would tell if the battery is low or if the mem is low. If
>>mem is low it will ask what do you want to delete from the list of
>>on the calc to free up mem. The user will also tell at what level he
>>wants to be warned.
>>-3 Default Folders [256 possible]
>> -although you can have 256 folders the mem most likely wont support
>>it. Each folder would have a name and a hexadecimal address (ex:
>>Games=$01, Main=$02, etc.)
>>-Libraries (user selectable)
>> -having the user select what library he wants is usefull. That way
>>if he doesn't play games(hehehe) he can take off the game library.
>>when you install games it tells you what libraries you need that
>>currently aren't on
>>-and anything else you guys think is necessary
>>Oh yea, I need some serious ASM help on this so if anyone wants to
>>on it with me, E-Mail me or IM me at: Phelan4687
>>-Phelan Wolf
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