Re: A83: SOS v1.7... Basic?
Re: A83: SOS v1.7... Basic?
Yeah, that's not going to be too good is it...
Well, if I can figure out how to get rid of this memory leak.... but I don't
think I'm going to.
I really don't want to have two versions either...
Does anyone have the slightest idea how to have an asm program (prgmZSOS)
call a basic program (prgmBASIC) call an asm program (prgmZASM)? This is
without modifying a Basic program of course...
The problem is that the second asm program messes up the memory allocated by
the first asm program.
Joe Wingbermuehle
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, January 03, 1999 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: A83: SOS v1.7... Basic?
>In a message dated 01/03/99 7:32:33 PM, writes:
>>- the calculator will eat memory if the Basic program attempts to run
>> an assembly language program (about 700 bytes, gone).
>Ouch, thats going to suck for this ASM Library I'm making for BASIC users.
>uses the "Send(9" command so they can call my program with certain input
>it will do stuff that couldnt be done before in Basic... If you have
>detection for the Basic functionality, and it causes that to happen, well I
>say drop that and just make two seperate versions... =P
> --Jason K.