Re: A83: Tutorial


Re: A83: Tutorial

I would put Variables before Output, and maybe even before How To Make A Program
(since they can be very useful in math class.....hehehe) If you need any help
with the tutorial, i will be glad to help. wrote:

> I know this is 83 ASM, but this is the only place I could think of to ask
> where I would get an actual answer.
> I am currently working on a tutorial for TI-BASIC for the 83.  Here is the
> order for teh tutorials, if anyone can suggest a different order or more
> things to put in, please say so and I will consider adding it.
> Well, here is the order:
> 1) How to make a program
> 2) Output (all forms of output)
> 3) Variables
> 4) Input
> 5) If..then
> 6) Strings
> 7) Lables & goto
> 8) Menus
> 9) For(
> 10) While(
> 11) Repeat
> 12) Random numbers
> 13) Sub programs
> 14) getKey
> 15) Pixels and the graph screen
> 16) GetCalc(
> I am hoping to cover everything that one would need to know about programing
> TI-BASIC, and this is in an order of use, not how hard it is to understand.
> If there is anything you could suggest, it would be appriciated.  I would
> rather you e-mail the list any feedback so that there can be even more
> feedback on your response.
> Thank you, and I hope some of you will learn SOMETHING from my tutorial that
> you didn't know.  I will post the address of it once it is completed.
> -David
> "Life is like a box of chocolates. So are you cream filled or a rasberry
> trouffle?"
