A83: Re: delay help
A83: Re: delay help
I've been on vacation so I haven't the faintest idea what delay routine you
were previously using, but this will work:
; input bc= length of delay...experiment to find
best value
dec bc
ld a,c
or b
jr nz,delay
just call it with delay in bc... or if you need the same length delay every
time, have a ld bc,xxxx at delay and put another label to jump to from the
end to after the ld bc...
>Afew days ago I was suggested to take the "xor (hl)" out of the
>XORSprite routine, well it worked great and now my program is finally
>fixed. I took out 41 bytes of uneeded code because of this change
>(program is now under 1kb). You guys showed me a delay routine. I
>understand how it works, but I couldn't get it to work after 70 min of
>playing with it, it would freeze at that part. Could one of you guys
>write a small peice of code showing how to use it?
>Also, anybody here interested in making a port? Hopefully some of you
>have heard of the EII. It is an external hard-drive to a TI calc giving
>512 kb (imagine that for a 83!!!) extra memory. Alan Johnson was
>working on this but decide to leave it unfinished. Please contact
>Bruce Christensen at bruce@iname.com if you are interested. It's
>been written for the 85,86 and I think the 92. A port from the 86
>shouldn't bee too hard should it?
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