Re: A83: sprite won't clear completly
Re: A83: sprite won't clear completly
You're right, I don't know much ASM...that is why I am on the mailing
list...I just started learning it.
"(KSA) Tekken" wrote:
> > The PC Will Rule Forever
> > The best software
> > The best games
> > The best products
> > The best is here, the PC.
> >Ok.. what do you mean here? a mac is a Personal Computer.
> >and if we just should stay at that piece of hardware that in common
> everyday
> >language is called a PC then whe have a bunch of different OSes..
> Linux, OS/2,
> >BeOS, Windows9x, WinNT....
> >wattever.. I know what you mean.. you probably say that you are "on the
> mirc"
> >when you have connected to IRC with the client mIRC to.. :P
> First off, that is my signature, it comes up with every message I send,
> and second why join an mailing list if you don't know the basics of it? I
> mean if you don't know what sprites are then you probably don't know very
> much ASM, and this IS a ASM list...I could be wrong though...
> >You mean you need to be flamed?
> >I think you are acting _really_ stupid now. There is not any question to
> dumb
> >for this list as long as it is about assembler on the ti83. Your
> attitude is
> >_really_ bad. Just because you know the answer and find it simple, that
> does
> >_not_ mean the question is dumb. If you think that, then _you_ are dumb.
> >take direct keyboard access or talking directly to the lcd. That is
> _really_
> >simple and elemtary from my point of view. that does not mean I think
> all theese
> >questions about it is dumb. Instead I have putted down quite a lot of
> time
> >explaining stuff for people who wants to know.
> Yes, I admit that was not a very good thing to say, sorry bout that :P
> (KSA)Tekken
> The PC Will Rule Forever
> The best software
> The best games
> The best products
> The best is here, the PC.
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