Re: A83: remove me from this list
Re: A83: remove me from this list
In a message dated 14-02-99 3:01:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,
<< In a message dated 02/14/99 12:36:59 PM, writes:
>On 14-Feb-99, ( wrote:
>>remove me from list
>Okay, everybody reply to him at his own address (i.e. not on the list)
>a couple of times with new subjects every time. He did ask for it.
Crap, I noticed the last few people who mailed to this list with those
requests to remove them, were AOL users... People like them are giving people
like me a bad name, man theyre so stupid. =\ I am starting to agree with the
many Non-AOL users, on how much AOL and the people who use it, Suck, but Im
glad I havent really been included in that stereotype group, along with a few
other people on this list... =P
--Jason K. >>
Me too. The only reason I have AOL is because I don't pay the bills. The
ONLY thing I use AOL for is e-mail...
Anyway, I totally agree with you, Jason.