Re: A83: remove me from this list


Re: A83: remove me from this list

   "Crap, I noticed the last few people who mailed to this list with those
   requests to remove them, were AOL users... People like them are giving
   like me a bad name, man they're so stupid. =\  I am starting to agree with
   many Non-AOL users, on how much AOL and the people who use it, Suck, but Im
   glad I haven't really been included in that stereotype group, along with a
   other people on this list... =P

   --Jason K."

God I hate being associated with those complete AOL morons. They give us all a
bad name. And you know they are all a bunch of 12 year olds. They go into
rooms, and say as many cuss words that their feeble minds can handle, in all
caps of course and with a lot of exclamation points. I mean come on do you
have to show you're that much of a moron. I can't stand those kids.


BTW- Want to see something funny, goto:,
then goto:
to see my parody of the above site. 
