Re: A83: Darn Lower Case


Re: A83: Darn Lower Case

Just like I SAID... (sorry, getting meanish again.. =)) basic strings are
supposed to contain tokens, not plain "ascii" characters. There are tokens
for small a-e, r, k and so on (vars/statistics) but not necessarily for all
characters (not sure about this, though).


.-->                                           .-------mm--(__)--mm--------.
| Linus Akesson                                | |
`---------------^-- ----- --- --  -- -  -   -  `---------ooO--Ooo----------'
Dolphins are so intelligent that within a few weeks they can train Americans
to stand at the edge of the pool and throw them fish.

On 11-Feb-99, Jimmy Conner ( wrote:

>  Hum...  I seem to have found something wierd with the lowercase
>letters.   Basic for some reason will not display them on the screen
>as they should be.  If you add 0, or 1, ect.. it will display it that
>many characters up, but not the lower case.  Someone take a look at
>this code and slap me upside the head abit.


>#define equ .equ
>#define EQU .equ
>#define END .end
>#include ""
>#include ""

>.org 9327h
>call _zerooop1
>ld a, tans
>ld (op1+1), a
>call _chkfindsym  ; (should be findsym??)
>lda, (de)
>ldb, a
>lda, (de); Get letter
>adda, 32; Lowercase it!
>ld (de), a; Store it back
>inc de; Next letter

>Get your free address at

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