Re: A83: learning asm
Re: A83: learning asm
Ya, ya, big shot we know about you and your disassembled rom
rountines and the amazing, pull the new asm stuff that no one has ever
heard of, out of your iris trick. But some of us actually came to
learn most of what we know of asm after James Matthews tutorials were
released. They have helped alot of the new generation of asm
programers out by showing what can be done and how to get started on
it. They are not the only way to go about it but hey, its there, why
not use it???
BTW: I like windows a hell of a lot better than linx or anything
else. Almost everything is made for windows now adays.
Also If you would have read everything you would of saw that there
is a html version of JM Tutorials on the net!!
> Besides, James' tutorials are nowadays written as a windoze 95 help
file, if
> I remember correctly. I mean - windoze 95! Who on earth is using
> Linus
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