Re: A83: BASIC-ASM Stuff. Was (Infrared and Radio Frequency Links)
Re: A83: BASIC-ASM Stuff. Was (Infrared and Radio Frequency Links)
On 07-Feb-99, ( wrote:
>In a message dated 2/7/99 3:13:59 AM Central Standard Time,
>> Well, I had worked on this program earlier, and got a text inverse, screen
>> inverse, and power off put in, but then I lost intrest... =P You know, I
>> dont
>> think a Run Indicator Off thing is very useful because right when you go
>> back
>> to the Basic prog, im pretty sure it gets turned right back on... =P
>Actually, the run indicator stays on or off if you run it in the Basic
>program... How'd you get the calculator to turn off and then return to the
>Basic program?
>-Jared C.
You'd turn the lcd driver off. Have a look at the off routine in the rom, it
starts at 7a3h in 1.07000. This is what I made out of it some (long) time ago:
Here comes the lowlevel OFF routine:
07a3: 97 sub a
07a4: d3 out (03h),a;lcd off, no timer interrupts, no on key
07a5: 03
07a6: 3e ld a,01h
07a7: 01
07a8: d3 out (03h),a;allow on key interrupt
07a9: 03
07aa: fb ei
07ab: 76 halt;wait for on key
When on is pressed, do the interrupt routine at 0038 (rst 38h)
Hmm.. wouldn't you have to write something to the lcd ports aswell? Just a
.--> .-------mm--(__)--mm--------.
| Linus Akesson | |
`---------------^-- ----- --- -- -- - - - `---------ooO--Ooo----------'
As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.