A83: Re: (A bunch of Re:s) Problem with a program


A83: Re: (A bunch of Re:s) Problem with a program

 ld hl,(num)
 ld de,_OP1+5
 sub a
 ld (de),a
 call _divHLby10
 dec de
 ld (de),a
 ld a,h
 or l
 jr nz,loop
 ex de,hl
 call _puts

There's undoubtedly a ROM call to do this, but if you want to print it
anywhere, or a whatever, maybe in small font, this might help.  There could
be a trick like on the 86 to use the existing call to create a string as

> Well, it seems that a lot of people have a good idea for the loop, but
> about the output/storing the answer?  I don't want to have to try and fool
> around with the user lists anymore :(
> -Rangsk
