A83: Re: Rom image addressing
A83: Re: Rom image addressing
Rom page 0 is $0000-$3fff, then the rest of the pages can be from $4000-7fff
or $8000-$bfff, though the ROM itself only uses the first slot. You're
really going to need an 86 specific dissassembler if you want to have much
luck. It would be much easier if you are looking for specific stuff to use
VTI, that way you can step through the code, see all the registers,
variables, memory, etc.
> Does anyone happen to know how the rom image is
> addressed. Is it...
> 0 - FFFFh then
> 4000h - 8000h
> 4000h - 8000h ect... for all the rom pages afterwards?
> If anyone understands what I mean please help, I'm
> curious if I can get a complete disassembly of the rom
> with my disassembler. It works near perfect with
> everything else.
> Jimmy
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