A83: Help with roots and fractions...


A83: Help with roots and fractions...

  This one is for some of you really advanced programmers.  I was wondering 
how to convert decimal numbers to fractions.  The first example I have is .5, 
this is easy because 1/.5 = 2 and 2 is the denominator.  I was wondering how 
to do this with other numbers besides 1 as the numerator.  I know that you 
may be wondering why I don't just use the _tofrac routine, but I want to be 
able to convert .7071067812 to the square root of two divided by two.  The 
first thing to do would be to find the denominator because I think I could 
find the other part myself.  If you could help, I would appreciate anything.  
You don't have to make into z80 asm code either.  PCode would be just fine.  
