A83: blackjack


A83: blackjack

I have a copy of blackjack on my calc (for a-shell, but works well in SOS).  I found a way to get over $65000.  First you start a new game, and bet all $100.  Then keep hitting untill you bust.  DON'T PRESS DEAL, press quit.  Hit play again (It will say you have no money, but you can bet $10).  Hit untill you bust.  Quit and play again (don't exit the program).  When you start again, you will have over $65000, have fun.  I found this out when I was in math class.  I wanted to start a new game after I busted, and busted again.  I was surprised to see the amount of money I had gotten.  Is this supposed to happen?

Michael Weckesser