Re: A83: Displaying numbers on graphscreen


Re: A83: Displaying numbers on graphscreen

On 08-Apr-99, you wrote:

> Jeffrey Janssen wrote:
>> I know how to display strings on the graphscreen but how do I display
>> numbers on it?
>> Jeffrey Janssen

> For instance:
> Text(1,1,"CHECKING MEM"):For(I,0,27464,10):Text(10,1,I):End
> p.S. This doesn't ealy check anythigit just displys the numbers :-)
> C2B3

Are you dense? This is an asm list. What's more, if you keep posting vast
amounts of silly offtopic messages with attached low class basic
program-wannabes you'll soon lose every possible chance you have of redeeming
any respect whatsoever from of any single person on this list.

.-->                                           .-------mm--(__)--mm--------.
| Linus Akesson                                | |
`---------------^-- ----- --- --  -- -  -   -  `---------ooO--Ooo----------'
         3 kinds of people: those who can count & those who can't.

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