Re: A83: More questions ...


Re: A83: More questions ...

Hi me again
this is stupid... I'm replying to my message

>From: "the homonerdicus" <>
>Hi people ..
>I can't seem to get this..
I got it now

>And, how do I get a floating point number from the system vars (A-Z) 
>When I load 3.456 in to W and then use the code in James Matthews 
>tutorials for recalling it in to ASM it gives me 3.

I just didn't look at the code
I took away the _convop1 part and it works fine

>How do I store a floating point number in a Matrice?
what a stupid question ... I found it out by myself

If somebody out there knows how to load integers in to a Matrice, I 
would like to know.



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