Re: A83: Who are you?


Re: A83: Who are you?

In a message dated 04/02/99 7:09:29 PM, writes:

>Name: Jason Kovacs
>Age: 16
>Grade: 10
>City/State:  San Antonio, TX
>Known Languages: Basic, Z80, very little 68K, English, Latin.
>Programs Made: A bunch of Unfinished Programs, some Routines, ZASMLIB. =P
>Stuff you like other than 83:  My g/f, Lindsey =)  MUSIC: KoRn, Limp Bizkit, 
Stabbing Westward, TOOL, Orgy, Britanny Spears (err, scratch that one.), 
Faith No More, Toadies, Type-O Neg., Offspring, Rob Zombie, etc etc... 
Basketball, Karate (Black Belt), Hangin out with Friends, Movies, and other 
shit like that... 
>Nasty comments on how dorky this letter is:  None. =)

-Jason K.