A83: ot: ti-manual
A83: ot: ti-manual
I got a new ti, b/c the old one had a ram-fart and don't wanna work (its
says error memory when I turn it on, in an endless loop). I looked in
the manual one day and AHHA pat has a primo spot on page two, in the
group of names. For $60, pat, you could get the box seat, number 1 on
the list, just change your last name to Abba or the alternate spelling
Aaba, depending on what it takes to make it first on the list.
BTW: Have you guys heard of amnesty international, they're almost as
bad as those greenpeace fags, but they're french and they whine a whole
lot. Well anyways, my friends and I just finished making the nooses
which we will hang around the necks of some dolls that have 'I'm an
Ethnic Albanian', and place those out side there door after school.
-Phelan 'Amen' Wolf
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