Re: A83: Testing 123...


Re: A83: Testing 123... wrote:

> Have I been removed from the list or Is every one Quiet?
> Well any way Just one or two people to this msg, thanks.
> Justin
> PS Dont every careless person reply with "Go Away" or "Go^&*&Yorself!!!!" Ext.
> a nice "Reply to Test, if you can read this you are fine" or "we have been
> talking lattly what is the last msg you have from the list" is all i nead,
> Thanks.

You're not unsubscribed, as far as I know. If you get this message, you'll know.

 - Michael Astrauskas  ICQ UIN: 1946065, Trevelyan
   My humble Anime-type art site:

   Official Abuser of "Er...," "Uh..." and "D'uh!"
   International Grand Champion of 14 Annual Chocobo Beauty Contests
   Official Head Turk o' all the World
