Re: Sv: Sv: A83: Re: Re:


Re: Sv: Sv: A83: Re: Re:

Yes, it looks like assembler. But as you said yourself, some of the
instructions are not possible on the z80. The code fragment is meant to
explain/emulate a ret, which is exactly what it does.
Why ret would trash hl? Well, it doesn't! But in your version of The Ret
Emulator hl is in fact trashed. Thus, the code doesn't emulate a ret and thus
my message.


On 16-Sep-98, Thomas Turn Jensen wrote:

>Honestly I don't see what you mean. First, it sure looked like assembler to
>me, 2nd why would ret trash hl (and what has that got to do with it?)

>(sorry if I've gotten all this wrong... :-)

>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>Fra: Linus Akesson <>
>Til: Thomas Turn Jensen <>
>Dato: 15. september 1998 20:59
>Emne: Re: Sv: A83: Re: Re:

>>Oh please... That was pseudo code describing the ret instruction. Your code
>>might compile better, but ret doesn't trash hl, does it?
>>On 15-Sep-98, Thomas Turn Jensen wrote:
>>>Not that it's very important but couldn't you just have this instead of
>>>lh hl,(sp)      ; not possible :(
>>>dec sp
>>>dec sp
>>>ld pc,hl        ; not possible
>>>Anyways, loading pc isn't possible according to the so this is
>>>quite meaningles.
>>>Thomas Turn Jensen
>>>Icq uin => 8128636
>>>IRC, Undernet => Mukke
>>>Får computeren dig til at sukke?
>>>Så kald da blot på Mukke
>>>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>>>Fra: Alan C Johnson <>
>>>Til: <>
>>>Dato: 13. september 1998 22:22
>>>Emne: Re: A83: Re: Re:
>>>>The stack pointer points to the memory location in the RAM that is used
>>>>for the stack.  Now here's a little bit of useless info.  By the way,
>>>>does anyone know where thestack memory starts and ends
>>>>Basically, if there was no push command, you would have to do this:
>>>> inc sp ; 2 because the stack locations are 16-bits
>>>> inc sp
>>>> ld (sp),rr
>>>>Pop would be:
>>>> ld rr,(sp)
>>>> dec sp
>>>> dec sp
>>>>Call would be:
>>>> inc sp
>>>> inc sp
>>>> ld (sp),pc
>>>> jp xxxx ; jp actually being ld pc,xxxx
>>>>Ret would basically be:
>>>> ld pc,(sp) ; which would actually be impossible, because it would jump
>>>>as soon as you
>>>> dec sp ; loaded the pc register, so it wouldn't post-decrement the
>>>>stack pointer
>>>> dec sp
>>>>>Would someone like to explain the stack pointer in more detail?  I 
>>>>>*roughly* what it, actually I don't :)...
>>>>>James Matthews (
>>>>>ICQ: 7413754
>>>>>> From: Scott Dial (Revenant) <>
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: A83: Re: 
>>>>>> Date: Sunday, September 13, 1998 9:28 AM
>>>>>> Exactly that...
>>>>>> sp is a z80 register for the position of stack pointer... so that he 
>>>>>> return to that exact point later. spbak is defined at the bottom: 
>>>>>> .dw $0000
>>>>>> Patrick W Bambrough wrote:
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > hey can anyone tell me what this means and if there is an 83
>>>>>> > ld (spbak),sp
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Scott Dial
>>>>>> ICQ#3608935
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