Sv: A83: Re: Re:
Sv: A83: Re: Re:
hehe ok, didn't think of that one :)
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Joe Wingbermuehle <>
Til: <>
Dato: 15. september 1998 22:00
Emne: Re: A83: Re: Re:
>Actually, ld pc,hl is possible :P
>jp (hl)
>Joe Wingbermuehle
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Thomas Turn Jensen <>
>To: <>
>Date: Tuesday, September 15, 1998 1:48 PM
>Subject: Sv: A83: Re: Re:
>>Not that it's very important but couldn't you just have this instead of
>>lh hl,(sp) ; not possible :(
>>dec sp
>>dec sp
>>ld pc,hl ; not possible
>>Anyways, loading pc isn't possible according to the so this is
>quite meaningles.
>>Thomas Turn Jensen
>>Icq uin => 8128636
>>IRC, Undernet => Mukke
>>Får computeren dig til at sukke?
>>Så kald da blot på Mukke
>>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>>Fra: Alan C Johnson <>
>>Til: <>
>>Dato: 13. september 1998 22:22
>>Emne: Re: A83: Re: Re:
>>>The stack pointer points to the memory location in the RAM that is used
>>>for the stack. Now here's a little bit of useless info. By the way,
>>>does anyone know where thestack memory starts and ends
>>>Basically, if there was no push command, you would have to do this:
>>> inc sp ; 2 because the stack locations are 16-bits
>>> inc sp
>>> ld (sp),rr
>>>Pop would be:
>>> ld rr,(sp)
>>> dec sp
>>> dec sp
>>>Call would be:
>>> inc sp
>>> inc sp
>>> ld (sp),pc
>>> jp xxxx ; jp actually being ld pc,xxxx
>>>Ret would basically be:
>>> ld pc,(sp) ; which would actually be impossible, because it would jump
>>>as soon as you
>>> dec sp ; loaded the pc register, so it wouldn't post-decrement the
>>>stack pointer
>>> dec sp
>>>>Would someone like to explain the stack pointer in more detail? I
>>>>*roughly* what it, actually I don't :)...
>>>>James Matthews (
>>>>ICQ: 7413754
>>>>> From: Scott Dial (Revenant) <>
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: A83: Re:
>>>>> Date: Sunday, September 13, 1998 9:28 AM
>>>>> Exactly that...
>>>>> sp is a z80 register for the position of stack pointer... so that he
>>>>> return to that exact point later. spbak is defined at the bottom:
>>>>> .dw $0000
>>>>> Patrick W Bambrough wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > hey can anyone tell me what this means and if there is an 83
>>>>> > ld (spbak),sp
>>>>> --
>>>>> Scott Dial
>>>>> ICQ#3608935
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