Re: A83: windows 3.1
Re: A83: windows 3.1
Oh piss off you jerk, if the guy needs an answer to an honest problem, he
can ask for help even if it is an Assembly letter, maybe he can't get IRC to
work or didn't know about it. I don't even know what half the assembly
stuff is about, and noone got angy over the broken calc thing even though
there were over 15 different messages sent about it. I mean hey, have a
heart and don't criticize one if you arn't gonna judge the others the same
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan C Johnson <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, September 13, 1998 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: A83: windows 3.1
>These. Messages. Make. Me. Angry. Ask someone on IRC.
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