Re: A83: Displaying registers.


Re: A83: Displaying registers.

Oh yeah.  Listen to Joe, not me.  I had it a little wrong

On Sun, 13 Sep 1998 14:37:19 -0500 "Joe Wingbermuehle" <>
>Something like:
> call _SETXXXXOP2
> call _OP2TOOP1
> ld a,4
> call _DISPOP1A
>for displaying register hl and:
> call _SETXXOP1
> ld a,2
> call _DISPOP1A
>for displaying register a (values less than 100, NOT 256). Set PENROW 
>PENCOL first of course.
>Joe Wingbermuehle
>-----Original Message-----
>From: <>
>To: <>
>Date: Sunday, September 13, 1998 2:22 PM
>Subject: Re: A83: Displaying registers.
>>In a message dated 98-09-13 15:17:53 EDT, you write:
>><< >I know this is a very lame question and I could probrably find 
>> >tutorials and Harper may have already answered this question but, 
>How do
>> >display a register in 3x5 format at specific coordinates?
>> roughly, convert it to fp format (into op1), then set penrow & 
>> display it. Don't know the exact calls.
>> Linus >>
>>I need to know the exact calls. :)

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