Re: A83: Background routine...
Re: A83: Background routine...
The gravity routines would be simple though...
as the ball moved up, the increment in Y would get smaller, and vice versa
ld a,(Y_pos)
ld b,5
add a,b
push bc
call display_ball
pop bc
djnz gravity_loop
I really think that pinball can be made without using rotary motion (really
only used when the ball is shot anyways)
if gravity is applied only with respect to Y, then the X can be manipulated
to fake a sin curve.
so the ball would look like it is actually curving.
I might make a progam that demonstrates this after i fix some bugs
associated with my notepad program.
-Harper Maddox
IRC nick: Geori
ICQ: 1214597
-----Original Message-----
From: Linus Akesson <>
To: Harper Maddox <>
Date: Sunday, September 13, 1998 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: A83: Background routine...
>That's where I'm stuck too. I even got as far as drawing some lines on a
>of paper, but it didn't help... =)
>On 12-Sep-98, Harper Maddox wrote:
>>heh, didnt think of pinball... I was going to make a pinball game, until i
>>thought about how hard the rotary motion would be (ie. after the ball is
>>shot onto the table) I guess i could make one where the ball is shot out
>>from the bottom (like in kirby's pinball land for gameboy)
>>-Harper Maddox
>>IRC nick: Geori
>>ICQ: 1214597
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Linus Akesson <>
>>To: Harper Maddox <>
>>Date: Saturday, September 12, 1998 3:49 AM
>>Subject: Re: A83: Background routine...
>>>I started working on a pinball game once. The scrolling background works
>>>really fine.
>>>On 12-Sep-98, Harper Maddox wrote:
>>>>Hmm... i dont see any examples. I dont think anyone would want to leave
>>>>20k picture on their calculator for mere viewing, so i rest my case that
>>>>background scrolling is only used effectively in fighting games.
>>>>-Harper Maddox
>>>>IRC nick: Geori
>>>>ICQ: 1214597
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Linus Akesson <>
>>>>To: Harper Maddox <>
>>>>Date: Tuesday, September 08, 1998 12:44 PM
>>>>Subject: Re: A83: Background routine...
>>>>>Well, sure, the only programs you've seen that use scrolling
>>>>>where the scrolling backgrounds are such a big part of the game that
>>>>>be considered ok, are fighting games. The only games you can _imagine_
>>>>>which scrolling backgrounds are ok are fighting games. But going from
>>>>>saying that there _aren't_ or even _won't be_ such a thing as a
>>>>>game in which scrolling backgrounds are ok to use, is in my opinion,
>>>>>On 07-Sep-98, Harper Maddox wrote:
>>>>>>OHHH... k
>>>>>>what have you done using scrolling backgrounds?
>>>>>>Im saying its only logical to use it in a fighting game where the
>>>>>>would take up 2 screens at the most (im contemplating this for
>>>>>>if you are using it for a different type of game, say RPG.. then you
>>>>>>run out of memory with roughly 5x5 screens of information.
>>>>>>-Harper Maddox
>>>>>>IRC nick: Geori
>>>>>>ICQ: 1214597
>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: Linus Akesson <>
>>>>>>To: Harper Maddox <>
>>>>>>Date: Monday, September 07, 1998 11:45 AM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: A83: Background routine...
>>>>>>>On 07-Sep-98, Harper Maddox wrote:
>>>>>>>>the only practical application of a scrolling background is for a
>>>>>>>>-Harper Maddox
>>>>>>>>IRC nick: Geori
>>>>>>>>ICQ: 1214597
>>>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>From: Scott Dial (Revenant) <>
>>>>>>>>To: <>
>>>>>>>>Date: Monday, September 07, 1998 10:51 AM
>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: A83: Background routine...
>>>>>>>>>I have to say I hate people like that, but how is this gonna help
>>>>>>>>>if you are making a game? By doing this you have to have a full
>>>>>>>>>picture for each piece of screen. That's way too big to use for a
>>>>>>>>>side/vertical scroller. I have one that uses sprites for a side
>>>>>>>>>and would do the same thing for a game. Except it keeps crashing.
>>>>>>>>>want to debug it and use it then cool.
>>>>>>>>>James Matthews wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I know my tutorials are slow coming out, but senior year +
>>>>>>>>>> apps + ThinkQuest + Monopoly (programming) +,
>>>>>>>>>> are waaaay down there :)...anyway, here is my Background
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to Movax (ey?)....
>>>>>>>>>> Tutorial 39: Scrolling Background.
>>>>>>>>>> More Game Techniques.
>>>>>>>>>> Introduction.
>>>>>>>>>> Well, after attempt after attempt at finding or writing a decent
>>>>>>>>>> scrolling routine. I'm talking to Movax, and he's like "Hold
>>>>>>>>>> minutes later I'm running a perfect scrolling routine he'd just
>>>>>>>>>> written (don't you hate people like that! =Þ). Thanks a lot to
>>>>>>>>>> "Movax" Edfeldt.
>>>>>>>>>> New Commands.
>>>>>>>>>> _getk - I've covered this briefly before. Here's the formal
>>>>>>>>>> coverlike BASIC getkey. Returns value of the key to OP1. Values
>>>>>>>>>> shown the Ti-manual.
>>>>>>>>>> The Code.
>>>>>>>>>> ld hl,picture ;Load your pic.
>>>>>>>>>> ld de,PLOTSSCREEN
>>>>>>>>>> ld bc,768
>>>>>>>>>> ldir
>>>>>>>>>> call _grbufcpy_v
>>>>>>>>>> loop:
>>>>>>>>>> call _scrollright
>>>>>>>>>> call _grbufcpy_v
>>>>>>>>>> call _getk ; Key to OP2.
>>>>>>>>>> call _op2toop1
>>>>>>>>>> call _convop1
>>>>>>>>>> cp 45 ; If clear
>>>>>>>>>> jp nz,loop ;
>>>>>>>>>> ret
>>>>>>>>>> _ScrollRight:
>>>>>>>>>> ld de,12
>>>>>>>>>> ld hl,8e29h-1
>>>>>>>>>> ld b,64 ; 64*12=768 bytes to rotate
>>>>>>>>>> _loop1:
>>>>>>>>>> push hl ; Test if there's a bit to wrap around
>>>>>>>>>> add hl,de
>>>>>>>>>> ld a,(hl)
>>>>>>>>>> and 00000001b
>>>>>>>>>> sub 00000001b
>>>>>>>>>> ccf
>>>>>>>>>> pop hl
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl ; We'll waste space here to gain some speed
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl ; We'll waste space here to gain some speed
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> inc hl
>>>>>>>>>> rr (hl)
>>>>>>>>>> djnz _loop1
>>>>>>>>>> ret
>>>>>>>>>> picture:
>>>>>>>>>> ;Put your picture here.
>>>>>>>>>> .end
>>>>>>>>>> END
>>>>>>>>>> Conclusion.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again to Movax for this routine! This should help all of
>>>>>>>>>> game freaks out there! If you come up with a better routine that
>>>>>>>>>> scrolls left/right, up/down, or all directions, please contact
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> {button , Klink(Scrolling;Movax;Graphics)} Related Topics.
>>>>>>>>>> Addition: if you come up w/a routine that is *well documented*
>>>>>>>>>> contact me :)...
>>>>>>>>>> Later,
>>>>>>>>>> James Matthews (
>>>>>>>>>> ICQ: 7413754
>>>>>>>>>Scott Dial