Re: A83: Display a Pic in asm?


Re: A83: Display a Pic in asm?

Find the variable (_chkfindsym with type and name in op1, you get the data
pointer in de), and then you just copy it to the graph backup buffer and do a

ld de,op1
ld hl,picname
ld bc,9

call _chkfindsym
jp c,error

ex de,hl
ld de,plotsscreen
ld bc,768

call _grbufcpy_v


picname .db 7,tvarpict,1,0


On 12-Sep-98, Richard James wrote:

>Hey guys,
>    I'm currently a beginner in this asm stuff and i'm workin on a asm game.
>It's basically another of those maze games but without sprites or scrolling,
>(i know, it's not very original but it's just my first prog). I have almost
>the whole game written except for the actual maze. My question is how can i
>display a pic stored in one of the 83's pic vars, onto the graph screen?.
>I'd rather do this than have the pic within the program's code as it would
>be a whole lot easier to make a new 'maze'. Hope you haven't answered this
>question 50 times already.
>Thanx for your trouble in advance.

>Richard James
> 'Boricua'
