Re: A83: Maillist ediquitte/some other stuff
Re: A83: Maillist ediquitte/some other stuff
well okay mister moderator sir, I'll listen to you, whoever the hell you
are. Also I have a few questions...
1). Okay, is it okay to quote famous people like Winston Churchill or
Bill Nagel or James Mathews or Linus, or Bill Clinton, or Kennith
Starr, or General Eisenhower, or myself, or you, or the Queen of
England, or Holland, what about Tanzania, etc...
2). If I do quote a famous person, as mentioned above, must I keep it
to 5 lines or will 7 'be acceptable in thine eyes oh Lord'.
3). Are we allowed to do this: ">>> inc hl; We'll put this here to
waste some space", with 3 carats or must it be kept to 1. What if we
use hyphens or smilies.
4). Is it acceptable to be Jewish, use 3 carats, quote only 7 lines
of aforementioned people, in a pit of kosher meat (of course), with 3
carats after the first 3.
5). Can it be: ">>>>>> dec hl; We'll put this here to waste some
space", or does this apply to inc's and dec's. What about sra's and
sla's, ldir's and ldi's and rr's and ex's, what about jr's and jp's.
6). your driving down the road in your canoe, replying to
an e-mail about programming the TI-92, with a monkey in your
britches, and a wheel falls of the canoe. How many carats are we
allowed to use in the e-mail, permitting the canoe is 3 years old?
And now for some gratuitus ASCII pictures of the president's penis to
annoy the censures and get the public off their butts and back onto the
computers.... the starr report, all 75 pages of the abridged version, two
copies of 'War and Remeberences', the abridged version of the world's
language dictionary, two Webster theasauruses and a PAARRTRIDGE IN A
>From Sat
Sep 12 12:43:42 1998
>Received: by (VMailer, from userid
> id 44134EA42C; Sat, 12 Sep 1998 21:43:07 +0200 (CEST)
>Message-ID: <>
>Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 14:56:44 -0500
>From: Eric Shattow <>
>Organization: Xalt Group
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5b1 [en] (Win95; I)
>X-Accept-Language: en
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Subject: A83: Maillist ediquitte/some other stuff
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Precedence: list
just a little bit further...
>first off, i'm new to assembly programming (much less on calculators),
and i don't like my mailbox being flooded with maillist messages, so i
>have been recieving the messages in digest mode. It's really great, and
you all should try it sometime, provided that the users of the list
>follow some basic "niceness" to everyone else... well they haven't so
i've made some guidelines i hope you all follow:
>- when replying, only quote the first 5-15 lines of the original
message, or selectivley quote it.
> (quoting a 450 line message just sucks. [eg. in one digest message i
have seen a quoted message in which there are at least 50 lines like
>this: ">>>>>>> inc hl ; We'll waste space here to gain some speed".
this is very annoying to me because i've already read that message, the
>>>>>> inc hl ; We'll waste space here to gain some speed
>>>>>> inc hl ; We'll waste space here to gain some speed
>>>>>> inc hl ; We'll waste space here to gain some speed
>>>>>> inc hl ; We'll waste space here to gain some speed
>>>>>> inc hl ; We'll waste space here to gain some speed
>>>>>> inc hl ; We'll waste space here to gain some speed
>message that quotes it, the message that quotes the message that quotes
it, the message that quotes the message that quotes the message that
>quotes it, ad. inf.] )
>- this has been said before, but don't put more then a 4-5 line piece
of ascii art in your message unless it has some relevance to your
>- don't send stupid messages (like "you suck"), and don't reply to
stupid messages. let the maillist admin deal with retarded underserving
>pond scum.
>- the "Subject:" field is there for a reason in an email; use it!
> (a lot of messages that change topic in mid-thread have the same
subject... very annoying to both normal and digest recieving
>- source code in the message is nice, and i like to see it, but like...
well, if possible; include an ftp or http link where you can
>view/download it online. even if it is besides the source in the email,
a internet link where the source can be downloaded helps a lot if you
>don't want to copy + paste to a new file and then edit out any
extreneous line feed characters, etc.
>- the easiest way to reply to a message is to reply, tell your email
program to quote the original text, and then delete everything to be
>forwarded that doesn't have direct relevence to your message. use an
elipsis "..." on a line to indicate where you cut out text in the
>middle, a pound sign "#" for text you cut out at the beginning of the
quoted text, and a tilde "~" for text you cut out at the end (i use this
>a lot with those listbot and juno adv.s because adv.s look ugly when
you quote them, like you don't know how to use an email client
>okay, the other stuff:
>i'm making an email program for the TI-83 (and maybe other calcs when i
have time). i don't know where to start about making the word
>processor part. i can't decide if i should remap the TI letter
designations and make it more qwerty-like or what ever... it will
>upper/lower case though, and all of the 101-key keyboard ascii
characters. it's gonna be more word processor than email client, but it
>support the cable/IR/RF links (RF link is gonna be worked out soon, i
hope) and Calculator ID designations (like email addresses... only
>what should i start out with? i'd like to manage the power, so that i
can do a direct input in a sort of reduced power mode (_getkey just
>won't cut it), but i don't know how to do this. Also, some sort of word
based compression would definately help, if it were small enough to
>implement... i hope one of you people can help me out with compression,
i am only familiar with the concepts and not designing the algorithms
>and using them. Does anyone know exactly what causes the calc to screw
up in SOS with rom v1.0800 with the 2nd+ON thing? I want to avoid
>that, and maybe patch sos myself because i've been making my calc reset
way too much by accident. heh.
>well i appreciate you reading my message, and i hope you all follow the
guidelines at top for the sake of digest subscribers ;o] (some
>input into my ti e-mail program inquiries would be very much
appreciated also).
>Eric Shattow aka "RadonEatr" []
>New Trier High School
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