Re: A83: TI and their Calc OSs
Re: A83: TI and their Calc OSs
89 progs can't be >180KB. Like i said before, replacing the ROM would
suck, unless you kept the ROM calls for all of the ASM progs on your
calc. Good luck for anyone getting all the ROM calls in their little OS,
because they're all interwoveninto TI's OS
On Thu, 10 Sep 1998 19:10:31 -0400 (Nick
Dunklee) writes:
>I think they were thinking about future generations like the 89 (where
>can I get
>that?? I checked my local staples but...) I think that the best use
>(and calc)
>for a custom os would be a calc like the 89 because:
>1. It has flash ROMs, you could replace the TI-OS with your own brew
>2. Or you could program a HUGE game that runs out of ROM and RAM for
>BIG games
>(It has 512k of RAM and I don't remember how much ROM)
>I would rather leave the OS up to TI, though. for games and custom
>apps, the ASM
>community is there though!
><ot> Ya know a kid in my Orchestra had an 86 and referred to all the
>programmers like Nagel who made this kid's ASM gaming possible as
>"they" and
>"them". I think he has no idea where and how these apps came to be!
>(One thing I
>like about ASM over basic is it's harder for people to edit the
>credits in the
>apps. In my school about 2 years ago everyone had those 50
>incarnations of "Drug
>Lords" and mysteriously the credits were different in each app) I
>haven't really
>contributed to the community (aside from my comments) although I would
>like to
>learn ASM someday (after C++) The main thing holding me back is that
>my PC isn't
>finished and I've heard it's next to impossible to make Z80 apps on a
>Mac! (And
>that stupid "GraphLink" software doesn't send the latest versions of
>ASM apps.
>Mainly the ones that were Devpac-ed. Maybe I'll rewrite it after I
>learn C++!)
>Well I've talked too much... </ot>
>Linus Akesson wrote:
>> Yeah, wake up.
>> What do people want? A useful calculator, in which you can enter
>"1+1" and
>> press enter without having to take out the batteries *at all*. All
>the complex
>> routines they're used to. Compatibility.
>> Sure, we could do all that, but it's like reinventing the wheel
>(which is an
>> cliché I hate, but anyway). And always remember: Everything is
>possible. It is
>> _possible_ to patch f.ex. so that 1+1 would yield 3, not saying I
>know exactly
>> HOW, but I know it can be done. The TI-83 os is adaptable, though it
>> obvious. But who said coding should be easy?
>> Oh, and there's no BIOS in the ti-83, the whole os is in rom.
>> Linus
>> On 10-Sep-98, Miles Raymond wrote:
>> >If they released info and a few test calcs to the
>community, a
>> >better, more efficient OS could be made. I still think that TI
>would have to
>> >write the actual math functions. But at least the people will have
>a say in
>> >what how the OS in ROM interacts with the user, such as Philip
>> >WinCE 86 shell/OS. If would release a way to call all of their
>> >functions from an OS, and store the OS on a Flash BIOS, the user
>could have
>> >the OS of their choice. The WinCE 86 would be an excellent OS,
>because of
>> >it's scalability. The user could dump as many OS 'features' as is
>his desire
>> >into the Flash BIOS. Or, on the other hand, add as many TI math
>> to
>> >the Flash BIOS as is his content. This would lead to diversity.
>> >breeds quality.
>> >-Miles Raymond
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Michael Astrauskas <>
>> >To: <>
>> >Date: Wednesday, September 09, 1998 8:17 PM
>> >Subject: Re: A83: TI and their Calc OSs
>> >Miles Raymond wrote:
>> > Has anyone evry thought that TI would one day stop making their
>> with
>> >an OS, and just bundle a 3rd-party ASM OS instead? -Miles Raymond
>> >They'll probably never do that. The calculator is made for
>calculating and
>> >there aren't
>> >enough programmers that it'd be a good deal for them.
>> >--
>> > - Michael Astrauskas ICQ UIN: 1946065, Trevelyan
>> > My humble Anime-type art site:
>> >
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