Re: A83: Random values


Re: A83: Random values


I ENGLISH...that means you could do something like:

call _random
ld   a,94
call _setxxop2
call _fpmult
call _convop1
ex  hl,de
ld   a,64
call _Setxxop2
call _fpmult
call _convop1

This isn't fast (at all...) but it SHOULD work.  You'll now have two random
numbers in HL and DE.



James Matthews (

ICQ: 7413754

> From: Linus Akesson <>
> To: Thomas Turn Jensen <>
> Subject: Re: A83: Random values
> Date: Friday, September 11, 1998 5:03 AM
> Random algorithms are quite numerous out there... one idea is to take the
> previous random number you got, rotate it some, add some, eor some, then
> the program and see if there's a visible pattern. If there is, change
some of
> the constants and try again...
> Linus
> On 10-Sep-98, Thomas Turn Jensen wrote:
> >I need to get two random values...
> >one in the range [0..94] and the other in [1..64] (yes you guesed it -
> >for the graph-screen)
> >I've found a function called "_Random" but have no idea what parameters
> >takes where - nor what/where the output is...
> >Could someone either explain to me how it works or tell me how to write
> >something which results in the above mentined numbers. (If i get a
> >that results in a random byte thats ok - where I need it, speed isn't
> >essential so I can just check it and if not good generate another random
> >number)
> >In case someone gives me some code, _plz_ explain what it does as I'm
> >interesting in learning how to make it rather than always use other
> >code.
> >Thank you.
> >***
> >Thomas Turn Jensen
> >Icq uin => 8128636
> >IRC, Undernet => Mukke
> >***
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> >Call for Mukke on the double
> >***