Re: Sv: A83: EmCalc troubles


Re: Sv: A83: EmCalc troubles

Hmm, I just recently got access to an IBM besides my regular Macintosh, and
I've gone through James' first couple of tutorials about setting up the
Assembler and all that, and I'm glad to say that I eventually figured out
those mistakes, and its all working good now. If there's anyone out there that
is still having trouble with it, you could ask me, but I guess James will have
his tutorials corrected soon about all that, so whatever...  I'm now using
"" and "" and then "" for its purposes, and most of
my problems were because of Not having the "#define EQU .equ" but now I'd like
to point out the only problem left, found in "" that there are
Duplicate Labels of "_puts  equ  470Dh", that only messed me up for a lil bit,
but I erased the second one. Can someone double check on that for me? Thanx.
And then I guess it'd have to be updated in all the archives. Just thought I'd
point that out though...
																--Jason K.