A83: EmCalc troubles
A83: EmCalc troubles
I simply give up!
Why doesn't this work?
I have attached all the files to the project (its less than a
kb so please bare with me - I know attaching isn't very much appreciated
Its the tutorial 2 from James Matthews tutorial.
What happens when I run the program
("Send(9prgmCLR") is difficult to say as it varies a lot.
sometimes it comes up with an error and places me on the R.
Sometimes it runs but then it crashes - that is - freezes (2 ways - completely
and with run-indicator still running). Sometimes some garbage is written on the
screen - but still it crashes.
I seem to have traced the error partly:
if I try to edit the ASM from the calc it shows:
or something like that. Main thing is that the first line is
empty - according to the tutorial it should contain someething. I even tried to
enter in that line what is shown in the tut. Then it worked!
QUESTION: WHAT am I doing wrong?
(sorry for asking again'n'again'n'again.:-)
Thomas Turn Jensen
Icq uin => 8128636
Undernet => Mukke
If your ocmputer gives you trouble
Call for mukke in the double
(Ammended: Don't if it has anything to do with z80 asmbler /
ti83 assembler)